INKiESS cash logistics since 1935
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Revolutionise your coin accounting: our new app for INKiESS coin inserts!

INKiESS App für Münzzählung, exklusiv und offline verfügbar.

Efficiency, data protection, and ease of use—these are the three cornerstones at the heart of the development of our new app for professional cash reconciliation.

Starting in April, you’ll have the ability to count coins in INKiESS coin trays not only quickly but also completely effortlessly and securely.

Whether in retail, gastronomy, or other industries, our app is the ideal companion for your daily operations. With our innovative solution, you’ll save valuable time and increase the efficiency of your cash management.


February 24, 2025 – User Interface Optimization
✔ Only 2 clicks instead of 3 to see results!

🚀 Faster Than Ever: Coin Counting in just 5 Seconds

Time is money—and we mean that literally. The app counts your coins in the original INKiESS coin trays in just 5 seconds. With our advanced technology, you’ll receive results in record time.

🖱️ Intuitive Handling: Get Results in just 2 Clicks

Using our app is child’s play. In just 2 clicks, you’ll have the results of your cash reconciliation. Our intuitive user interface ensures ease of use so that every employee can operate the app without extensive training. We aim to make your workday as efficient as possible.

🌐 Offline Functionality for Maximum Flexibility

A standout feature of our app is its ability to function offline. You don’t need an internet connection or Wi-Fi, as the entire counting process is carried out directly on your smartphone.

This makes you independent of network infrastructure, so you can use the app anytime, anywhere. The app works entirely offline, making it not only independent but also lightning-fast.

🔒 Highest Standards of Data Protection

We place the utmost importance on protecting your data. All information remains exclusively on your smartphone and is not transmitted to external servers or the cloud. You retain full control over your sensitive cash data.

🗂️ Cash Reconciliation at a Glance: The Handy Archive Feature

Our app allows you to save every cash reconciliation in an archive and access it anytime. This helps you maintain an overview of past counting sessions and quickly retrieve them as needed.

🔄 Compatibility with Common Cash Drawers

Our app is compatible with any cash drawer equipped with proven INKiESS coin trays. No matter the size or model you’re using, the app integrates seamlessly into your existing workflows. This makes your processes simple and smooth.

You can use the app’s benefits within your current cash system without needing to purchase additional hardware.

📱 Mark Your Calendar: Available for iOS and Android Starting in April!

Our new app will officially be available on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android) starting in April. Be among the first to take advantage of this innovative solution and streamline your workday like never before.

Conclusion: Coin Counting Made Effortless

With the new app for INKiESS coin trays, you’ll experience speed, user-friendliness, and top-notch security standards all in one. From lightning-fast coin counting to the practical archive feature and complete offline functionality—our app offers everything you need for a more efficient workday.

Never before has secure cash reconciliation been this easy. Get ready for the launch in April and discover the future of coin counting!

Be among the first! Register now for our waiting list and receive a special launch price for our app.

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